

The following people inspire me - and you can feel it in my work!

Tim Minchin, an Australian comedian, musician and author, gave an inspirational commencement speech at the University of Western Australia in 2013, sharing nine life lessons. Among other things, he stressed that there is no need to dream big, but to pursue small, achievable goals.

Reese Witherspoon, actress and producer, delivered a motivational message for women in her speech "What Do We Do Now?" She encourages them to create opportunities for themselves, make courageous decisions and stand up for others.

Disclalimer: German content

Say "no" for once. Marcel Reich-Ranicki, Germany's best-known literary critic, turned down the German Television Award live on stage in 2008. He sharply criticized the German television landscape as being low-brow and worthless and refused to be part of it. His statement: "I will not accept this award!" - a legendary moment in German TV history.

There are also places that have shaped me.

I have lived, studied and worked in the following cities over the past few years.

Stockholm/ Sweden

Current adopted home. Counseling and couples therapy for expats.
Take-Away: Kaneelbullar.


Amsterdam/ Netherlands

Self-employed management consultant & startup founder
Take-Away: Undone in Business & Beer at Four.


Budapest/ Hungary

Self-employed management consultant
Take-Away: Hospitality in times of radicalization.


Berlin/ Germany

Self-employed management consultant & daughter get
Take-Away: Network for self-employed mothers.

Vancouver/ Canada

Coaching Training/ Erickson College
Take-Away: It’s all about human connections.

Munich/ Germany

Study/ Psychology (Dipl.) & Start of Management Consulting
Take-Away: Good life in the smallest of spaces.


Adelaide/ Australia

Study/Organizational Psychology/University of South Australia
Take-Away: Calmness.