a few words
About myself
Management consultant
out of a passion for helping to develop companiesCoach
out of enthusiasm for hidden potential (and corpses)Couple therapist
out of a deep conviction that the world needs something like thisGraduate psychologist
out of pure curiosityLecturer and mentor
out of a passion for passing on knowledgeBank clerk
because I wanted to start somewhere in 1998Journalist
because I wanted a bit of glamour after my banking apprenticeshipCoffee lover
out of a dependency on the bean -
Stefanie Koch Consulting
(since 2012)
We F**ked Up"*
Founder of Startup Fehlerkultur (2016 - 2020)Sumitomo Electric Bordnetze GmbH
Head of Corporate Communications/ interim(2012 - 2014)
Strasser und Strasser Unternehmensberatung AG,
Change Management Consulting, Training, Coaching (2007 - 2011)Roland Berger Strategy Consultants
Personnel Development/ Recruiting (2007)
Teaching assignments & mentoring:
Chemnitz University of Technology:
Teaching assignment for PR and public relationsUniversity of Applied Management:
Teaching assignment for moderation/ change management
Studium & Ausbildung
Diplom Psychologie - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München
Stadtsparkasse Augsburg
Organisationsentwickler für agile Teams und Organisationen (zertifiziert) - Intrinsify Academy, Berlin
Paartherapeutin (zertifiziert) - Institut für Integrative Paartherapie, Köln
Beratung in Konfliktsituationen nach Klaus Eidenschink (zertifiziert) - Hephaistos Institut, München
Holacracy Practitioner - Einführung von Selbstorganisation (zertifiziert)
HolacracyOne, PhiladelphiaScrum Master (zertifiziert) - Agile42, Berlin
NLP Coach (zertifiziert) - Erickson College Int., Vancouver
Systemischer Veränderungsmanager (zertifiziert) - Strasser & Strasser Unternehmensberatung, München
Outdoor Education Leadership Trainer (zertifiziert) - University of South Australia, Adelaide
Trainerausbildung - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Muc.
a few more words
About myself
The day I expected praise for my Faust essay, I got a "4-".
The day I wanted to talk to my instructor about jobs in the bank, he advised me to quit.
The day I got an offer from a radio station, the university invited me to an interview.
The day I sat in the interview for the university, the World Trade Center had just collapsed.
The day I was awarded fifth place in my class, I had already been out of my first job for five days.
The day I wanted to apply for a sabbatical, I decided to become self-employed.
The day everything was completely normal at work, the pregnancy test was positive.
There were often days when I had to be clear about what I can do, who I am, and what my contribution to the world should look like. Days when changes were disruptive and real game changers, long before AI & Co.
Accepting these changes, enduring them, finding opportunities, and discovering one's own position - these exercises have occupied me, accompanied me, challenged me, and ultimately led me to my profession:
Accompanying people and organizations in times of serious change.